- Suzi Taylor is a digital content producer, marketing strategist and filmmaker living in Melbourne.

Full Colour Posts

Full Colour in the Queer View Mirror

Queer View Mirror on Triple R is one of our favourite poddies, so I was stoked to drop by for a chinwag about 10 Years in Full Colour.

Queer View Mirror is Triple R’s weekly “all-things-queer-in culture-and-current-affairs” talk show. Presented by (L-R) Gemma Cafarella, Sam Elkin and Hamish McLachlan.

You can click here to listen to the episode - it starts with the very funny Jacci Pillar talking about her work in anthropology, social science and comedy. The Full Colour Project chimes in at the 20-minute mark. Plus, if like me, you’re constantly on the look-out (hear-out?) for new peas to get in your pod - here are some of my top five Queer View episodes to wrap your little lugholes around.

  1. Cartoonist, comics journalist and activist Sam Wallman on radical hope

    I had the joy of working with Sam a few years ago on a short animation we made for the Workers Museum at Trades Hall, celebrating the mighty Green Bans movement in Melbourne. He’s one of those artists whose humanity, smarts and punk bursts from every image and every word he produces. In this interview, he talks about one of my favourite topics: the shared solidarity between the queer rights and the union movement, and about his book, Our Members Be Unlimited.

  2. Luciano on the Melbourne Queerways project

    I have posted a few times on socials about Queerways, an award-winning history project that retraces Yarra’s queer footsteps. I love this project a lot. In this chat, which starts around the 27-minute mark, Luciano talks how it all came about. “We found during lockdown that queer people were feeling more isolated from the general population just because not everyone is able to be themselves in their domestic settings, or may not be able to be out, and so locations of significance… [became] of greater importance. So George and I developed this initiative, Queerways, to connect people back to those locations… and to educate the wider population to educate the wider population of our city…”

  3. Jess Ho on their memoir, Raised by Wolves

    Nonbinary author and food writer Jess Ho discusses their debut book and memoir Raised by Wolves with Hamish McLachlan (at the 7:20-minute mark). They talk about the perceptions of supposedly 'low skill' jobs, treatment of queer workers within hospitality, and cultural appropriation in cuisine among lots of other things.

  4. Queercrip writer, artist and historian Robin Eames

    At the 19-minute mark, Robin Eames chats with Sam about early colonial trans history and their upcoming historical exhibition "Pride (R)evolution" utilising the New South Wales State Library’s vast collection that is part of Sydney WorldPride 2023.

  5. NBL basketballer Isaac Humphries

    It’s hard to believe that in 2022 when Isaac came out, he was the first Australian gay male professional basketball player to come out publicly. At the 10-minute mark, he chats with Gemma and Sam.“I decided it was probably time someone steps up… other areas are moving forward so well in this space and basketball is just backwards. I felt like there needed to be some more representation and I’m honoured to be part of that history… I planned [coming out publicly] this for months and it’s been scary every day… I know there was an element of bravery to it but genuinely I just got sick of hiding so much. It’s exhausting.”

    This and so much more can be discovered through a deep dive into the Queer View Mirror back catalogue.

Jack Alexander